speaking B2 First# ejercicio discussion 4

Ejercicio para practicar la parte 4 —discussion— del speaking del examen de inglés B2 First de Cambridge.

Este ejercicio consiste en una conversación entre los dos candidatos y el examinador, que modera la conversación y va introduciendo preguntas.

El tema de la conversación es el mismo que haya salido en la parte 3. Generalmente se trata de preguntas sobre nuestra opinión y experiencia sobre el tema.

La parte 4 del speaking del B2 First dura 4 minutos en total.

 ejercicio discussion 4 

B2 First Cambridge

In this part of the test, the candidates are expected to hold a conversation and answer the questions made by the examiner. You will talk together for about 4 minutes.

1 What inspired you to prioritize a healthy lifestyle, and how has it impacted your overall well-being?
2 How do you manage your daily diet to ensure you are making healthy food choices?
3 Are there specific types of exercise or physical activities that you enjoy to stay active and fit?
4 Do you have any strategies for managing stress and promoting mental well-being in your daily life?
5 How do you balance work, social life, and healthy habits to maintain a sustainable lifestyle?
6 Have you encountered any obstacles or challenges in your journey to a healthy lifestyle, and how did you overcome them?
7 What role does sleep play in your overall health, and how do you ensure you get enough quality rest?
8 Are there any particular health goals or milestones you’ve set for yourself, and how do you track your progress?
9 How do you handle social situations or peer pressure that may tempt you to deviate from your healthy lifestyle choices?
10 Can you share a personal success story or key lessons you’ve learned about maintaining a healthy lifestyle that you think would benefit others?

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