speaking C1# ejercicio interview Cambridge

Ejercicio para practicar la parte 1 del speaking del examen de inglés C1 Advanced Cambridge.

En la primera parte del speaking de este examen tenemos que contestar a varias preguntas sobre nuestra vida y nuestros gustos. Son preguntas sencillas tipo “Where are you from?” pero también meten cosas más complejas como “Tell me about the best day of your life”. 

Las preguntas te las va haciendo el examinador, y duran alrededor de un minuto, dependiendo de lo buenas que sean tus respuestas.

 ejercicio interview B2 

Esto son 120 preguntas para practicar la primera parte del speaking del C1 Advanced —interview.

Son muchísimas preguntas de interview para practicar, pero en el examen nos hacen entre 3 y 5, dependiendo de cómo contestemos. Recuerda siempre dar respuestas completas, añadiendo información extra que demuestre el inglés que sabes.

1 What is your place of origin?
2 Could you describe your hometown to me?
3 How many brothers and sisters do you possess?
4 Are you currently unattached or involved in a romantic relationship?
5 Are you a parent?
6 Can you provide some information about your educational history?
7 Which college or university did you attend?
8 Could you tell me about your current profession?
9 What factors influenced your career choice?
10 Are there any animals living with you as companions?
11 How do you typically spend your weekends?
12 Are you enthusiastic about any sports or outdoor pursuits?
13 Could you share some of your preferred leisure activities?
14 Are you proficient in playing any musical instruments?
15 Have you had the opportunity to visit any captivating destinations?
16 Do you have a preferred genre of music?
17 Are you fond of reading?
18 Could you name your all-time favorite book?
19 Do you engage in any artistic or creative endeavors?
20 Are you interested in the culinary arts or baking?
21 Which season do you consider your favorite?
22 Would you describe yourself as a morning person or a night owl?
23 Are you more inclined towards coffee or tea?
24 Do you follow a vegetarian diet or do you consume meat?
25 Could you share your preferred culinary style or cuisine?
26 Are you a fan of spicy cuisine?
27 Do you have a deep interest in movies or television series?
28 Which movie genre do you find the most appealing?
29 Do you prefer going out or staying at home?
30 How do you like to unwind and relax?
31 Can you recall the happiest day you’ve ever experienced?
32 Have you encountered any major challenges in your life?
33 Could you share details of your most unforgettable journey?
34 Is there a particular memory from your childhood that stands out as a favorite?
35 Have you had the chance to meet a famous person?
36 What would you say is the most valuable life lesson you’ve gained?
37 Have you resided in a foreign country at any point in your life?
38 Can you recall a cherished childhood book or toy?
39 What are your immediate goals or objectives?
40 How do you envision your life in a decade?
41 Are there any specific experiences or achievements on your bucket list?
42 Could you share a dream or aspiration you aim to fulfill?
43 Are you actively involved in any ongoing projects?
44 Are there specific career goals you aspire to achieve?
45 How would you describe your ideal future?
46 Would you say you have a tightly bonded family?
47 How would you characterize your relationship with your parents?
48 Do you share a close relationship with your siblings?
49 How did you come to know your closest friends?
50 Are you presently involved in a romantic partnership?
51 How did you and your significant other first cross paths?
52 What attributes do you find most important in a partner?
53 Do you have intentions of starting a family in the future?
54 Could you recount the most daring or adventurous experience you’ve had?
55 Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?
56 Have you experienced camping before?
57 Are you a fan of road trips?
58 Which destination stands out as the most beautiful place you’ve been to?
59 Have you undertaken solo travel adventures?
60 Is there a particular place you’re eager to visit?
61 Are you passionate about technology?
62 Do you have a preferred gadget or mobile application?
63 Are you more inclined towards Android or iOS?
64 How frequently do you engage with social media?
65 Which social media platform do you use the most?
66 Are you a fan of video games?
67 Do you prefer playing video games on a PC or a gaming console?
68 Could you name your favorite video game?
69 What strategies do you employ to manage stress?
70 Would you describe yourself as someone who sets and works towards goals?
71 Do you engage in mindfulness or meditation practices?
72 Could you share a goal related to personal growth that you’re pursuing?
73 What keeps you motivated and driven?
74 Have you successfully conquered a fear in your life?
75 How do you cope with and learn from failures?
76 What achievement are you most proud of?
77 Have you been honored with any awards or recognition?
78 Could you share a significant milestone in your life?
79 Have you recently accomplished a personal goal?
80 What is your personal definition of success?
81 What type of food do you turn to for comfort?
82 Are you open to experimenting with different cuisines?
83 Would you consider yourself a skilled cook?
84 Can you recall the most exceptional meal you’ve ever enjoyed?
85 Are there any dietary limitations or restrictions you follow?
86 Do you have a preference for sweet or savory flavors?
87 Is there a particular restaurant you frequent regularly?
88 Do you have a favorite actor or actress?
89 Could you name your absolute favorite film of all time?
90 Are there any TV series you follow with great dedication?
91 Do you have any guilty pleasures when it comes to entertainment?
92 Have you had the chance to attend any concerts or live performances?
93 Can you remember your most beloved childhood toy?
94 Were there any distinctive traditions in your childhood?
95 Did you have a hero or role model during your childhood?
96 Can you share a humorous anecdote from your childhood?
97 Did you have any cherished pets during your childhood?
98 How do you envision the state of technology in two decades?
99 What is your perspective on the future of the human race?
100 What are your plans and aspirations for your retirement years?

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