topics# Global warming

En esta lección sobre topics para exámenes de inglés vamos a hablar sobre el calentamiento global, sus principales causas y consecuencias, así como posibles soluciones.

Para tener una visión completa sobre este topic de examen y, además, poder recordar bien las ideas que necesitamos para el examen, esta lección está organizada con un reading, una lista con las ideas principales del tema y otra lista con el vocabulario clave.


global warming

Global warming is a phenomenon that has been a topic of concern for many years now. It refers to the increase in the average surface temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere, primarily caused by the accumulation of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, and nitrous oxide, in the atmosphere.

Global warming is caused by human activities that emit these gases, including burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. The consequences of global warming are dire, including rising sea levels, melting ice caps, and more frequent and intense weather events. In this essay, we will explore the causes and potential solutions to global warming.

One of the primary causes of global warming is the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and gas. The combustion of these fuels releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which traps heat from the sun, warming the planet. This process is known as the greenhouse effect, which is a natural phenomenon that keeps the Earth’s temperature at a habitable level. However, the excessive emission of greenhouse gases by human activities has caused the greenhouse effect to intensify, leading to global warming.

Another significant cause of global warming is deforestation, primarily in tropical rainforests. Trees absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. However, deforestation reduces the number of trees, leading to higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Deforestation also contributes to global warming by reducing the planet’s ability to absorb carbon dioxide.

Industrial processes, including manufacturing and transportation, also contribute to global warming by emitting greenhouse gases. The use of chemicals, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), also contributes to global warming by depleting the ozone layer, which protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

There are several potential solutions to global warming, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing the use of renewable energy sources, and implementing policies to combat deforestation. One approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions is to reduce energy consumption.

This can be achieved by improving energy efficiency in buildings, transportation, and industrial processes. For example, using public transportation or carpooling, switching to energy-efficient appliances, and reducing waste can help to reduce energy consumption.

Another potential solution is to increase the use of renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, and hydropower. These sources of energy are sustainable and do not emit greenhouse gases, making them an excellent alternative to fossil fuels. Governments and businesses can incentivize the adoption of renewable energy sources through subsidies and tax incentives.

Combatting deforestation is another critical strategy for mitigating global warming. Protecting and restoring forests can help to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Governments and organizations can support reforestation efforts by providing incentives to farmers and landowners to plant trees.

Finally, policies and regulations can play a significant role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Governments can impose taxes on carbon emissions or implement a cap-and-trade system, which would allow businesses to buy and sell carbon credits, incentivizing emissions reductions. Policies and regulations can also encourage the adoption of renewable energy sources and promote energy efficiency.

In conclusion, global warming is a significant threat to the planet, caused primarily by human activities that emit greenhouse gases. The consequences of global warming are dire, including rising sea levels, melting ice caps, and more frequent and intense weather events.

However, there are potential solutions to combat global warming, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing the use of renewable energy sources, and implementing policies to combat deforestation. It is essential that governments, businesses, and individuals take action to mitigate global warming and preserve the planet for future generations.

 key vocabulary 

Este es el vocabulario específico sobre climate change en inglés que tienes que usar en tu examen si te toca tratar este tema.

Si estás preparando un examen de inglés de nivel intermedio B2 o de nivel avanzado C1 o C2, es imprescindible que uses este vocabulario con soltura y que aparezcan varias de estas collocations, tanto en tu speaking como en tu writing.

global warmingcalentamiento global
greenhouse gasesgases de efecto invernadero
carbon dioxide (CO2)dióxido de carbono (CO2)
nitrous oxideóxido nitroso
human activitiesactividades humanas
burning fossil fuelsquema de combustibles fósiles
industrial processesprocesos industriales
rising sea levelsaumento del nivel del mar
melting ice capsdeshielo de los casquetes polares
weather eventseventos climáticos
tropical rainforestsselvas tropicales
energy consumptionconsumo de energía
energy efficiencyeficiencia energética
renewable energy sourcesfuentes de energía renovable
wind powerenergía eólica
solar powerenergía solar
hydropowerenergía hidroeléctrica
tax incentivesincentivos fiscales
emissions reductionsreducciones de emisiones
carbon creditscréditos de carbono
cap-and-trade systemsistema de límite y comercio

 main ideas 

Estas son las ideas principales sobre el topic del cambio climático en inglés, que tienes que tener muy claras por si te toca este tema en el writing o en el speaking. 

No es necesario que memorices esto, pero sí que entiendas los diferentes puntos y te hagas un resumen de ideas que puedas usar en el examen.

Global warming is the increase in the average surface temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere, primarily caused by the accumulation of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, and nitrous oxide, in the atmosphere.
Global warming is caused by human activities that emit these gases, including burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes.
The consequences of global warming are dire, including rising sea levels, melting ice caps, and more frequent and intense weather events.
Potential solutions to global warming include reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing the use of renewable energy sources, and implementing policies to combat deforestation.
Strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions include reducing energy consumption, increasing the use of renewable energy sources, and promoting energy efficiency.
Policies and regulations can play a significant role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, such as imposing taxes on carbon emissions or implementing a cap-and-trade system.
Governments, businesses, and individuals need to take action to mitigate global warming and preserve the planet for future generations.

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