writing B# ejercicio email formal 1
Ejercicio para practicar el email formal de los exámenes de inglés como el Aptis General, el nivel B1 o B2 de la EOI y los exámenes de Cambridge como el B1 PET o el B2 First.
Ten en cuenta que cada examen tiene diferentes características como el número de palabras que te piden escribir y el tiempo que te dan para hacerlo.
B1 PET Cambridge | 100 palabras | 20 minutos |
Nivel B1 EOI | ~ 150 palabras | 30 minutos |
B2 First Cambridge | 140-190 palabras | 40 minutos |
Nivel B2 EOI | ~ 180 palabras | 30 minutos |
Aptis General | ~ 150 palabras | 30 minutos |
No caigas en el error de pensar que menos palabras es mejor, porque hay que aprender a condensar toda la información que nos piden escribir, sin dejarnos ningún punto. La nota final depende de ello.
Aprende también a organizarte el tiempo para que puedas completar las dos tareas de la parte del writing y no te baje la nota por no terminarlas a tiempo.
Y no te olvides de repasar tu writing antes de entregarlo. Es el momento de revisarlo intentando buscar y corregir errores de gramática y sintaxis pero, sobre todo, asegurarnos que hemos incluido todos los puntos que nos han pedido y que se entiende bien todo lo que queremos decir.
ejercicio email formal 1
You have received the following email:
From: The Mayor’s Office
Subject: Neighbor Input Request: Budget Surplus Utilization
Dear Neighbors,
We have a surplus in our community budget and we would love to listen to your insight. Kindly share your ideas on potential projects or improvements that could benefit all of us. Your suggestions may be submitted to email by the 15th of October. Let’s collaborate for a better neighborhood!
Thank you,
The Mayor’s Office
Write an email reply, explaining your thoughts about this, and what you would like them to do.
Thank you for offering this possibility to over neigrbours. It is very gentle for you part so we choose own ideas about potential projects or improvements that could benefit all of us. I would like do more things like, help to neigbours.
Some of the most important projects that we need in our area are a sports centre where young children and teenagers can play football, basketball and practice sports in general, and the other project is the construction of a park for pets. We have never had one in our locality and it is important because nowadays more and more people have pets.
To finish with, I consider that it would be interesting that we can have a meeting soon to discuss these ideas with all the neigbours.
I look forward to hearing from you soon,
Yours faithfully,