ejemplo# informal email nivel C1

Vamos a ver un ejemplo de cómo se escribe un email informal en un examen de nivel C1 como el Advanced de Cambridge, en el que vamos a aplicar todo lo aprendido.

Este ejemplo de informal email está basado en un examen real del C1 Advanced, que es el siguiente  

You have received the following email from an English speaking friend:

My new job is great, and next month I get to travel on business. Guess what – I’m actually coming to your town for a week!

I’ll be free some evenings and one weekend. I want to make the most of this opportunity, so I’d like your advice please: where to go, what to do, and why?


Write your email in reply.

Vamos a escribir nuestro email informal de ejemplo, teniendo en cuenta que es nivel C1 y las instrucciones del examen nos piden entre 220 y 260 palabras. Let’s get down to business!

Hi, Cris!

How are you doing, my man? I’m so happy to hear from you!

So you finally managed to land a big boy’s job, didn’t you? Travelling on business and all that! Shall I call you Mr from now on? 😜

I’ll cut to the chase because you are coming to my town and that’s big news.

I think the best you can do in your free evenings is have some tapas at local bars —I’ll text you some good places once you are here. You can relax after work, meet new people —you know how friendly and chatty we are— and enjoy amazing food and wine.

Anyway, if you are still peckish after that, I know a couple of restaurants that’ll please the foodie in you. Mmmm, yummy!

For your weekend, I’d go to the north of the city to see the castle —it’s so well preserved it feels like being in Game of Thrones! If it’s sunny, you can rent a bike and cycle your way along the canal. I’d lend you mine but I got it stolen last week. Bummer.

Another great option would be the flea market on Sunday —they have all sorts of things. It’s pretty popular around here and it gets crowded so you should go early. I know you are not an early bird but it’s totally worth it.

Hope you like these plans, let me know if you fancy other stuff. BTW, you didn’t mention it but I’m expecting to hang with you, so you know 😊

Say hi to your folks!

Speak soon,

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